Denkyem Community Resource Page
We are working to provide entrepreneurs and clients with relevant information. We all have to do our part to to ensure each other's success.
Developed by the University of Washington Foster School of Business’ Consulting & Business Development Center and powered by JPMorgan Chase’s Small Business Forward Initiative, Ascend grows businesses owned by people of color, women, veterans, and businesses in inner-city communities by building local networks in major metropolitan areas across the US.
Search & discover high quality Black-owned businesses in the State of Washington.
Seattle Green Book is a directory of Black-owned and co-owned businesses, Black practitioners, and people holding space for the Black community around the Puget Sound.
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The Fund is a perfect way for anyone, accredited or not, to end prejudice in commercial lending for Black-owned businesses through philanthropic contributions.
Donations go to Realize Impact, a 501(c)(3) public charity focused on making impact investing easier. In 2020 RI launched a new investing service to fill the gap for donors, donor advised funds, and foundations, working with Denkyem, the Seattle Foundation and others.