Walking Together: Creating a Community for Black Entrepreneurs

Building a thriving Black business community means creating space and making time for authentic connections. This year, the team has been committed to connecting with local Black business owners and to nurturing our growing ecosystem. We believe in making the path by walking. The more feet on the ground that we have on this journey, the smoother the path will be. We are grateful to those who have joined us and invite you to continue building relationships at one of our next gatherings.

Third Thursday

Strong connections are the foundation of a successful Black business network. Social capital can be leveraged to build credibility, gain access to resources, navigate challenges, and discover opportunities for collaboration. Recently, there have been reports that there is a decline in spaces for people to gather and build community. These spaces are often referred to as 3rd places – the place outside work and home where you’re known by name. To create a 3rd place of our own, we began Third Thursday, a monthly gathering of Black entrepreneurs, leaders and professionals. We touch on timely, thought-provoking, and culturally relevant topics each month. These conversations are at the heart of 3rd Thursday. They expose the specific opportunities within our community and the challenges while centering the voices of Black entrepreneurs. We prioritize individuals’ experiences and contributions over formal titles, creating an inclusive environment where every voice is valued and leadership is decentralized. The impact of coming together extends beyond the immediate benefits of networking and collaboration. It reignites a sense of purpose and direction among participants, reminding us of our community’s collective power.

For details on how to join the next Third Thursday, go to denkyemcoop.com/third-thursday

Drop-In and CoLab

In addition to Third Thursdays, we also host a coworking session called Drop In and CoLab. This program, in partnership with the Seattle Public Library’s Beacon Hill branch, provides a supportive space for entrepreneurs to access data from the Libraries to Business Program. At Drop In and CoLab, folks are welcome to update business plans with industry insights, access market research, or bounce ideas off like-minded individuals. Folks can join at any time during the two hour session. They can come expecting an intimate group where the conversation is driven by the needs of the individuals in the room. Participants may schedule follow-up sessions with the librarians to receive further resources and research. The business librarians are experts in their field, ready to assist with everything from identifying potential customers to analyzing market trends. Their expertise, combined with the collaborative spirit of Denkyem, makes Drop In and CoLab a unique and powerful resource for the local business community. Let’s CoLab and work together to build stronger, more resilient businesses that contribute to a thriving economic ecosystem.

Schedule a time to join us at an upcoming Drop in and CoLab at https://denkyemcoop.com/denkyem-drop-in-and-colab

As we keep working on building a thriving Black business community, we’re dedicated to creating genuine connections and offering valuable resources. With events like Drop In and CoLab and our monthly Third Thursday gatherings, we’re not just making room for collaboration but also helping each other tackle challenges and reach our goals. We invite you to join us, share your ideas, and walk this path with us. Together, we can create a smoother way forward, building a strong, successful community for everyone. Thank you for being part of this journey with us.